7 Whatsapp Marketing Mistakes That Are Costing You Sales 

Not following Up - Not responding to customers’ queries regarding your brand or products will result in loss of sales and customers.

Spamming your customers - Sending the same message multiple times or sending too many messages will have a negative impact on sales.

Not segmenting your audience - Every product won't cater to all of the customers, so it’s important to segment them accordingly.

Not personalising messages - Not personalising your messages will result in your messages getting lost with the other brands costing you sales.

Sending lengthy messages - People don’t have time for long messages, so sending lengthy ones might lead to a negative response.

Not tracking your performance - No matter how good your whatsapp marketing is, if you don't track your performance, it might cost sales.

Ignoring privacy - Avoid sending univented messages which might leave them annoyed and might even cause legal problems.